Engage 2.0/MESH (Men’s Experiences of Substances and sexual Health)
*not yet recruiting*
A sequel to the Engage Cohort Study, this multiphase, sequential mixed-methods biopsychosocial study aims to examine potential modifiable mechanisms that may explain different types of crystal methamphetamine (CM) use and associated mental and sexual health outcomes among gay, bisexual, and queer (GBM) men.
Despite increasing bacterial STBBIs and CM use among GBM, little past work has examined the modifiable mechanisms, such as attitudes, motivations, and behaviours, that could serve as points of future CM interventions. A secondary aim will be to get information to develop future CM interventions, including those that will prevent mental health and sexual health harms including STBBIs.
Study Objectives:
- To examine relationships between CM use and STBBIs, primarily focusing on bacterial STBBIs. We hypothesize that
1) CM use and bacterial STBBIs will rise over the 2-year observation period
2) CM use will predict bacterial STBBIs.
- To examine how classes of CM use (e.g., low CM risk/high STBBIs, medium CM risk, low STBBIs) found in our previous Engage study differ in their mental health, including psychiatric disorders, and modifiable psychosocial mechanisms over a 2-year period. If the CM use classes differ between the present study and Engage, we will examine how the new CM use classes predict these variables over time.
- To ask participants using qualitative interviews, about their CM use and related mental health and STBBI needs, and the interventions that best meet each class’s needs.
- Using Delphi studies, to identify GBM community and healthcare provider priorities for targeted interventions that reduce both CM use-related harms and STBBIs along the continuum of CM use.